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Edify with Ambika Classes!

A place where business is seconded to education and education is seconded to values.

  • Quality Teachers
  • Core Education
  • Beyond Curriculum
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What education means to us?

To educate children and help them excel in academics to the best of their potential. To impart good values in students and eventually develop their personality.

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The Ambika Community




SSC Students


SSC Students

years in service


years in service


For each of the below offerings below we have a different method to operate, a different curriculum for their language skills and grammar along with varied interests as per respective grades. For eg., scoring should be an important goal for Grade 10, but for Grades 8 and 9, emphasis should be on creating strong foundation and understanding the core subjects in depth, respectively.

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Our Online Learning Resource Center has tips, tricks and inspiring stories to help you learn while staying home.

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